Monday, December 20, 2010

The Nativity Story

This is definitely not a hair post but I feel like sharing it anyways. A friend of mine emailed a link to me this past week and I just watched the video.

I love how they used the birth of Jesus and incorporated it into a way that the youth of this time can better interpret. When you think about it, Mary got pregnant and wasn't married. Her and Joseph are claiming that she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Everyone must have thought they were crazy! They had to loose so many close friends and it had to have hurt them so much. Joseph could have just left Mary when everyone was either saying or thinking she was a whore, but he didn't. Even when an angel told him that she really was pregnant with God's child he could have left because of the pressure and criticism he was receiving from everyone.

That shows us that God works in ways that we will never understand but he opens our eyes to what we can. He gives us the courage to overcome all that people are saying about us, whether they are calling us names or trying to discourage us. We just have to stay on the course he had planned for us. It's not always going to be easy but in the end it will be satisfying!

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