Friday, July 20, 2012

July 2012 Relaxer Update

Hello Beautiful People!

I have relaxed my hair at eleven weeks and one day. I know that I said I was going to wait, but that was because I was going to keep my Patra Braids in longer. Since I took them out every thing was pushed up a few weeks.
Months Post Relaxer, Relaxer Update

I used a different technique to relax my hair this time, and I don't think I like it. The technique I used is one that most people use and that is using a comb to apply the relaxer. I ended up applying more relaxer to my hair than I normally do so my hair ended up processing bone straight. Another reason for it becoming so straight could be that I mixed Silk Elements Normal with the Mild relaxer in hopes of getting a straighter texlaxed look.

Next time I will be using less of the Normal relaxer and more of the Mild relaxer and will be applying again with my squeeze bottle. The only reason why I didn't use it this go around is because I left it at my mother's house because I wasn't planning on relaxing my hair until I went back for break.

My hair is still very thick, when air dried, because I have a few inches of texlaxed hair. But after this relaxer parts of my hair follow this pattern: Bone Straight --- Texlax (curly/wavy) --- Bone Straight.

It's a good thing that only a small portion of my roots are bone straight and will be easily grown out in a few years. I just have to be careful with my hair because now I have 2 permanent lines of demarcation and when my hair grows in I'll have 3 lines of demarcation. Breakage now is a great possibility, but I'll keep you all posted on what is working and what isn't. Also I'll tell you about the different techniques that help minimize breakage.

Tomorrow I'll post about the actual relaxing process. The reason why I'm not posting it now is because I've noticed that some of my post, especially the ones dealing with relaxers, can be very lengthy. I know that you all have a busy life so I want to make each post as simple and too the point as possible. The actually relaxing process is a different topic from the relaxer update so I am making it it's own post. Tell me how you feel about that, and I'll try my best to accommodate everyone.

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