Monday, July 25, 2011

Boarding School Fall 2011

Hey beauties!

The fall session of Boarding School is right around the corner. This time around there will be some changes but I will still be your Head Mistress.

Each time a class is missed you will receive one penalty point. The top 5% of students who receive the least amount of points will be put on the Head Mistress' Starz List, while the top 5% of students who had the greatest hair improvement and participation will be put on the Head Mistress' Dean's List. Participation Points will come from biweekly check-ins, and participation in mini challenges. These Participation Points will counteract the penalty points that you may receive.

Last Day of Registration:
August 21, 2011

Classes Begin:
August 22, 2011

Classes End:
December 2, 2011

Final Exams:
December 3, 2011 – December 9, 2011
  • During Finals you will be voting for those you feel had the greatest improvement in their hair. Your votes will be used in consideration of who is put on my Dean's List.
Your Schedule:
  • Moisturize and Seal hair daily
  • Drink at least five cups of water daily. Your water intake may come from tea.
  • Shampoo hair with a moisturizing shampoo when needed. A sulfate free shampoo is preferred and 1 extra credit point will be awarded.
  • Do a Protein Treatment at least once a month
  • Do a Deep Moisturizing Conditioning Treatment at least once a week
  • Pre-poo before every shampoo. Your moisturizing deep conditioning treatment will be counted as a pre-poo as long as it is done on dry or slightly dampened hair before shampooing occurs.
  • Wear a protective/low manipulation style at least three times a week
  • Massage the scalp no less than three times a week with a growth aid or oil.
  • Keep hair protected every night
  • Do the Green House Effect at least twice a week
  • At least 60 minutes of personal fitness throughout the week. 10 minutes a day will count as long as you are increasing your heart rate and getting the blood to pump. The more you exercise the more nutrient rich blood can flow through your body and reach your scalp.
  • Multivitamins or any other supplements, like MSM and biotin, must be taken every day.
Hall Passes:
  • One trim/cut the entire semester
  • One relaxer or any other chemical process the entire semester.
  • Direct Heat only twice a month (You may use a hooded dryer but at your own judgment)
  • Penalty points will be awarded if you use up more than the allowed Hall Passes.
  • Enough room is given to allow you to use your current regimen along with this challenge.
  • Because you are only allowed one chemical process, any other chemical processes that you may want to undergo should be done before the semester starts. However use caution in between the applications as to not break your protein bonds down too much that it causes damage or thin hair.
Photo Credit: jlbruno via photopin cc


  1. Kiki: You're added to the class!

    Sorry that it took so long to respond. I couldn't figure out why blogger wasn't allowing me to post a comment back.


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