Friday, March 25, 2011

March Update

Hey Beauties!!!

It's been a while since I posted an entry. The past 2 weeks my hair has bun in rope twist that I did with yarn. I guess you can call them yarn twist. But all I have been doing was spraying my scalp with Sta-Sof-Fro and last night I applied an oil/grease mixture. I'll have a regimen up soon that will say all the products I am using and what the mixture is composed of. I do have a bit of build up but I don't want to wash my hair yet because I want the braids to last as long as they can. But it isn't itching so I actually have no need to wash yet.

At the moment I am absolutely loving both my One-A-Day Women's and MSM supplements. My hair is growing very well. I can't wait till its time to take these twist out and see how long my hair is. I finally decided that I will just relax my hair in May instead of trying to stretch. My hair tends to break a lot and I want to get it back to its previous state and I feel like I can only do that successfully if it is relaxed.


PS: There is an MSM challenge going on right now on Hairlista. Here is the link if you want to check it out.

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